This is the fourth and final article in this series on how you can build your business, which is to say your brand, next year by using a few basic, but effective Digital and Social Media Marketing methods.
In many ways we have just touched the surface, as there are such far reaching and rapid changes taking place in this form of marketing, but we have done many previous articles about the trends in marketing in 2019, so please be sure to check these out too!
The advice given in this series is really more to do with creating a good online presence and will give you several smart online marketing moves to build your business in 2019. Combine our help to create an overall marketing strategy and you really can make meaningful marketing inroads!
Have a website that sells your business
You may not think of your website as part of a Social Media marketing campaign, but it very much so is. After all, your marketing efforts are always aimed at driving potential customers and clients to your website, which is where the real selling takes place!
Once a customer has landed however, is your website just telling people who you are and what you do – or is it telling them how you help them and why they should buy from you? These are what really influence the buying decision!

Have a mobile friendly website
We’re in an era where most social media is carried out on mobile devices. If your website is not mobile friendly there are several problems: Information can be difficult to read; the site can be difficult to navigate and the mere fact that you don’t have a mobile friendly website tells many of the public (in particular the Millennials and Generation Z) that you are simply not with the program and they won’t do business with you!

Work with others
Become a part of groups and associations, ask other businesses if you can work with them on media campaigns and at all times engage as much as possible.
As you go into a new year, remember the whole point of Social Media marketing is to be engaging as opposed to selling your product or service. It is through engaging that trust is earned and relationships formed and ultimately business is done.

Use Google analytics
Regardless of whatever marketing or engaging you are doing, without knowing what your marketing campaign is doing, without having any measurable results, you can never devise an entirely successful campaign.
This is where Digital Marketing experts like PS Digital come in, as we have the cutting edge technology, experience and all the necessary skills to create a comprehensive overall marketing strategy. With Google analytics, for example we can ensure that your efforts are working and maximizing the results of your ad spend!
Contact us for more information and check out our website for a full listing of our services. Also watch this space next year to see how we can help you to help yourself with more smart online marketing moves to build your business in 2019!