Smart online marketing moves to build your business in 2019 – part 2
In this 2nd part of our series on building your business, which is to say building your brand through effective marketing, we look at a few more ways you can make your presence felt online this year.
The advice given in these articles, presented in four parts, will give you several smart online marketing moves to build your business in 2019 and with our help to create an overall marketing strategy, you really can make meaningful marketing inroads!

Create a webinar
One of the points of creating the written content we spoke about in the last article, is to become a ‘thought leader’ in your industry. If the information you are imparting is useful and helpful, this gains respect amongst peers and potential customers.
A webinar is a great way to prove your worth as a thought leader, as you are actually giving a class and answering questions in an informal online forum.

Offer a free E-book to build a data base
Following on from that, creating an e-book can also be a really great way to impart advice and show your expertise in your field, but more than that you can offer this valuable resource for free just to build a really great data base!
Remember, if you’re writing blogs anyway you can aim to compile those blogs after a period into an e-book, so you needn’t have the expense of creating it all at once!

Offer something valuable
Advice in the form of an e-book is valuable sure, but your business may have something else that you consider to be of value to use as a giveaway and you can build your data base through that too.
Even just offer people your time to check out their problem so you can advise them if they need your services! The bottom line is people respond to something for nothing and are usually prepared to at least go on your data base to get it!

Work with ‘Influencers’
Taking this a step further, people who have built a reputation as thought leaders and who blog prolifically, can become ‘influencers’ of the public’s buying choices.
You need to get on their band wagon. Offer to write a guest blog on other sites in your industry, so you become an influencer, or ask an influencer to review your product or service – remembering of course that they can be ruthless, so you need to be up to it!

Respond graciously to poor criticism
Having exposed yourself on social media, you need to be aware that criticism of your product or service can be harsh an often even unfair. Always respond graciously if criticism is bad, thanking the complainant and promising to look into ways to improve. Maybe even offer them that free e-book – You’ll be surprised how a gracious response can turn the harshest critic into a fan!

Have the professionals cover your back Remember that professional Digital and Social Media Marketing companies like PS Digital are, through the tools and devices they use, always aware of your responses and can ensure your business is in turn always responding positively.

We also constantly measure your progress and can advise, as you go, on changes that need to be made to ensure effective, successful advertising spend and marketing campaigns.
Contact us for more information and check out our website for a full listing of our services. Also watch this space to see how we can help you to help yourself with more smart online marketing moves to build your business in 2019 – part 3.